Itaï Daniel – Mahzor Hayim

A French-Israeli pianist, conductor and composer, Itai Daniel is the author of an inspired and sensitive jewish musical opus, revealed by this CD. A unique discovery ! …

Daniel, Itai (1967)

Der in Israel geborene Komponist, Pianist und Dirigent Itai Daniel begann seine musikalische Ausbildung mit Klavierunterricht bei international renommierten Lehrern wie Jonathan Zak, Boris Guslitser oder Viktor Derewjanko, später begann …

Daniel – Seven Shabbat, feast and mourning melodies, for voice and piano

Daniel - Seven Shabbat, feast and mourning melodies, for voice and piano EXISTS AS PRINTED at 18€ OR DOWNLOADABLE SCORE at 10€ Each melody can be purchased separately for 2€ - Only in downloadable version 1.Shalom Rav Al Yisrael Amkha - MP3 [audio mp3=""][/audio] 2.Sim Shalom - MP3 [audio mp3=""][/audio] 3.Shalom Aleikhem - MP3 [audio mp3=""][/audio] 4.Or Zarua laTzadik - MP3 [audio mp3=""][/audio] 5.El Male Rakhamim - MP3 [audio mp3=""][/audio] 6.Hinakh yafah ra'ayati - MP3 [audio mp3=""][/audio]   …