Edmond Ghrenassia's Programs

Klezmer Attitude: the band “Sha Sha”

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on MONDAY MARCH 10, 2008. Presentation of the band Sha Sha and their album called Klezmer, released in 2006 …

Klezmer Attitude : the band “The Klezmorim”

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on MONDAY MARCH 3, 2008. Presentation of the oldest band of the klezmer revival "The Klezmorim", created in 1975 in the USA …

Klezmer Attitude : the French band BRATSCH

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on MONDAY FEBRUARY 25, 2008. Program dedicated to the French band Bratsch, at the edge of Klezmer, Gypsy, Yiddish and Russian music …

Klezmer Attitude : when klezmer music encounters other styles

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on MONDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2008. This broadcast is dedicated to the encounters between klezmer musicians and artists who perform other styles, such as country western or Gypsy music. An opportunity to listen to Franck London and Boban Markovic, Margot Leverett and the Klezmer Mountain Boys …

Klezmer Attitude : Overview of Yiddish songs today

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on MONDAY FEBRUARY 4, 2008. This broadcast is dedicated to Yiddish songs today, mainly in Europe. An opportunity to hear the Puppini Sisters, Chava Alberstein and Alec Kopyt accompagné de l'Amsterdam Klezmer Band …

Klezmer Attitude : How the inhabitants from Chelm built their town

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on MONDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2008. This week, we will hear a story by Leo Pavlát, "How the inhabitants from Chelm built their town", with some klezmer music …

Klezmer Attitude : Yiddish singers in USA

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on MONDAY JANUARY 28, 2008. This broadcast is dedicated to the popular artists of Yiddish songs in USA, from the 1920's to the 1950's. An opportunity to listen to Aaron Lebedeff, Theodore Bikel, Abraham Moskowitz or the Barry Sisters …

Klezmer Attitude : a story of the Baal Shem Tov

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on MONDAY JANUARY 21, 2008. Edmond Ghrenassia tells the story of the Baal Shem Tov, illustrated with klezmer music …

Klezmer Attitude : A compared listening of several klezmer standards

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on January 14, 2008. Three standards of klezmer music performed by the Dutch band Bojbriker Klezmorim, compared to the interpretation by other artists, such as Denis Cuniot, or the Amsterdam Klezmer Band …

Klezmer Attitude: Der yid in Yerushalayim

Radio program hosted by Edmond Ghrenassia, broadcasted on RADIO JUDAÏCA Lyon, on MONDAY JANUARY 7, 2008. Presentation of five different versions of a same song: Der yid in Yerushalayim …

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