The EIJM ,
musical traditions
accessible to all

First resource and documentation center on Jewish music in Europe, created in 2006 by the Fondation du Judaïsme Français, the Yuval association and the Henriette Halphen Foundation, the European Institute of Jewish Music (IEJM) aims to collect, conserve and disseminate Jewish musical heritage in France and internationally.

In the news

Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme collection

Mostly deposited in April 2022, the collection of the Musée…

The Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU) collection

In December 2023, the Library of the Alliance Israélite Universelle…

The songbooks of Jewish youth movements

The European Institute of Jewish Music has collected a number…

Piano Music by Jewish Composers

This collection of scores, compiled by Bella and Semjon Kalinowsky,…

Explore the world of Jewish music


The diversity of Jewish music through feature articles, conferences, biographies…


Hundreds of hours of music, videos and podcasts (playlists, radio and TV broadcasts, concerts, etc.)



The catalogue of the EIJM’s collections and its partners


Support the EIJM

The European Institute of Jewish Music (EIJM) is a French association according to the French law 1901, financed only with donations and grants. You can support the EIJM and take part in the spreading of Jewish culture and music by becoming a member of the association and/or by making a donation that can be deductible from your taxes (for French citizens only).

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