Lectures / conferences

Listening to the sacred

Audio recording of the conference "Listening to the sacred", organisde by the Villa Gillet and the Institution des Chartreux in Lyon, on January 30, 2020, with the participation of Hervé Roten, Jean During, Jean-Clément Jollet and François-Xavier Szymczak (moderator) …

Jewish music: when singular is plural

Lecture by Hervé Roten on the singular plurality of Jewish music given on November 6, 2019 at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (Italy), as part of the session Art as/in Dialogue: Jewish and Christian Music

Jewish music and cuisine

An audiovisual conference hosted by Hervé Roten about songs speaking of the culinary specialties from Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish, Oriental and Israeli traditions …

The mystical singing in Chasidic tradition – Marc-Alain Ouaknin

As part of the day of sudy Vox Aurea-Via Sacra 2014, dedicated to sacred Jewish music, Marc-Alain Ouaknin. Rabbi, philosopher and teacher in the faculty shares a reflexion about the …

Biblical cantillation and psalmody – Jean-Philippe Amar

As part of the day of study Vox Aurea-Via Sacra 2014, dedicated to sacred Jewish music, Jean-Philippe Amar, PhD in ethnomusicology and teacher of music education at the Paris academy, …

Fernand Halphen – A Jewish musician in the Great War : conference by Laure Schnapper

Presentation of the French composer Fernand Halphen, killed on duty for France in 1917 by Laure Schnapper, as part of the cycle of conferences : arts and politics, of the …

Kol Nidre

Watch the lectures by Delphine Horvilleur and Hervé Roten about the meaning of the Kol Nidre prayer and its music, as well as an excerpt of the concert, performed on …

Discovering Jewish Music

A filmed lecture, in the Medem Center, on December 7, 2016. Introduction to Jewish music, by the ethnomusicologist Hervé Roten …

Lecture “French songs, Jewish songs, a creative interference”

A filmed lecture hosted by Hervé Roten, as part of the 1st edition of “Campus en Musique” organized by the Medem Center Arbeter Ring …

Yiddish music in Parisian cabarets after WWII

A filmed conference, presented by Hervé Roten and David Winter, as part of the first edition of "Campus en musique" organized by the Medem-Arbeter Ring …

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Hervé Roten, guest on Radio Shalom with Sandrine Szwarc, in her program Du Côté de chez Szwarc, passionately presents the…

Darius Milhaud and his works inspired by Jewish tradition

Born into an old Jewish family from the Comtat Venaissin, Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) is the author of a prolific output…

The Darius Milhaud triptych

Saturday, June 29, 2024, 6:30 p.m. - Salle du Moulin Saint-Julien, Cavaillon (84300), an evening event celebrating the 50th anniversary…