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Since its creation, the EIJM saved from oblivion tens of thousands of musical documents. To continue its goals,the EIJM needs your support. …

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Are you interested in the music and history of the Jewish people? Would you like to take actions today that will allow our children and grandchildren to have access to the exquisite musical patrimony that the Jewish artists and communities have created through centuries in France and elsewhere?

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The European Institute for Jewish Music‘s goal is the development and the deepening of studies and knowledge of the Jewish musical heritage of France. It is essential that everyone perceives …

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The European Institute of Jewish Music unites all who value promoting the Jewish musical heritage of France, under the auspices of ethnomusicologist Hervé Roten. …

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Hervé Roten, guest on Radio Shalom with Sandrine Szwarc, in her program Du Côté de chez Szwarc, passionately presents the…

Darius Milhaud and his works inspired by Jewish tradition

Born into an old Jewish family from the Comtat Venaissin, Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) is the author of a prolific output…

The Darius Milhaud triptych

Saturday, June 29, 2024, 6:30 p.m. - Salle du Moulin Saint-Julien, Cavaillon (84300), an evening event celebrating the 50th anniversary…