
Andalusian Music : Hillel Amsallem

Hosted by Sabine Amsellem, broadcasted on Radio TAF on February 25, 2016. Sabine Amsellem invites Hillel Amsallem, a young percussionist, specialist of the Andalusian repertoire of North Africa and lets us discover the characteristics of this music. …

Andalusian music: Algeria

Two radio programs presented by Sabine Amsellem, broadcasted on Radio TAF on December 24, 2015 and January 14, 2016. Sabine Amsellem takes you this time to Algeria. …

Andalusian Music : Morocco

Two radio programs by Sabine Amsellem, broadcasted on TAF on March 10 and 24, 2016. …

Malouf songs from Constantine

Release in the record label MLP of a new anthology dedicated to the famous singer and player of oud Cheikh Raymond. A double CD to rediscover the master of Arab-Andalusian music …

Cheikh Raymond (1912-1961)

A master of Arab-Andalusian music, Cheikh Raymond is a symbol of Judeo-Arab brotherhood which expressed itself through music between the years 1930 and 1950. His assassination by the National Liberation …

Discs and sheet music of Enrico Macias !

The main holding of Oriental Music, composed mainly from Maurice Arrouasse’s donations has recently grown with discs and sheet music from Enrico Macias …

The French-Arabic repertoire (2nd part)

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI - TUESDAY MARCH 15, 2016, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H05. This second part will focus on the life and work of some emblematic representatives of the second generation of singers. Among them: Blond-Blond, Lili Boniche, Albert Darmon dit Staïffi, Luc Cherki, El Kalaoui Tounsi, Maurice El Médioni, without forgetting the singer of the pied-noir song: Enrico Macias …

The French-Arabic song repertoire (1st part)

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI – TUESDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2016, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H05. In the 1930s, a new generation of North African singers launched a new musical trend based on covers of French songs in Arabic or the creation of songs mixing Arabic and French. This trend, which lasted for more than 70 years, was later called "Chanson francarabe" …

Matrouz – Artistic creation – Music, languages, theater

Instinctively reconnecting with the Judeo-Arabic cultural heritage linked to the Hebrew, Muslim and Christian melting pot of multicultural Andalusia, Simon Elbaz was inspired by Matrouz - in Arabic, that which is embroidered - to create a new art form where languages, music and theater are intertwined …

Route of the Jewish songs in France

A musical journey through a representative selection of Jewish songs, from the 13th century to the present day, sung or edited in France In the 13th century, France is a …