Librairie du Temple

Created 30 years ago LIBRAIRIE DU TEMPLE welcomes you today in an enlarged and renovated space, meeting place with Judaism.

The bookstore collection consists of books in French, English, Hebrew, Spanish, Yiddish and Russian.

It includes both prayer books, theological studies (tana’h, talmud and kabbalah) and collections of laws as essays and novels by French and foreign authors. And also a vast radius for learning Hebrew and its development and a youth department.

There is also a large radius of music, DVDs and learning materials.

You will also find objects of worship and a gallery of contemporary and ancient Jewish art.

Librairie du Temple
1, rue des Hospitalieres St Gervais
angle 52, Rue des Rosiers
75004 Paris

Telephone : 01 42 72 38 00

Visit the website


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