Raisins et Amandes

The Toulouse Ensemble “Raisins et Amandes” performs since 2007.

The formation is variable in geometry, sometimes in duo, usually in trio or quartet, and participates in various events, festivals, concerts, readings (Novela Toulouse festival, Toulouse musical break, Capens festival, Carpentras Jewish music festival , Seven Fund Festival, Cuq on the terrace, Singing Castles in the Gers, ACME festival in Vernet d’Ariège …)

The band currently consists of 6 musicians: accordionist, singer, bassist, gambist, guitarist, violinist. Other instruments can occasionally join us (oud, percussion, flutes)

The repertoire is essentially inspired by the Jewish diaspora, Judeo-Spanish songs that migrated around the Mediterranean after the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, Yiddish songs of Eastern European communities. Raisins et Amandes also perform its own compositions: instrumental pieces inspired by tradition or melodies that set Yiddish poems to music.

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