From the Carpathians to the Balkans – A musical escapade from West to East by Kalarash & Guests

Proposed by IEMJ & FSJU as part of the “Paroles en fête” (Words in celebration) day of the FESTIVAL DES CULTURES JUIVES #19

June 16, 2024 – 6 p.m.

Espace Rachi  Guy de Rothschild

39, rue Broca – 75005 Paris

The Kalarash duo is back at Espace Rachi! After presenting their quintet album of klezmer music in March 2023, they are back to take us on a journey through Europe, with stops in Poland, Romania, Ukraine and Greece.

For this concert, they are accompanied by their guests on violin (Héléna Morag) and clarinet (Samuel Maquin), two instruments emblematic of these regions.

Agathe Llorca, violin, vocals and bracsa (viola), David Lefebvre, guitar, tsimbl and vocals, Héléna Morag, violin and vocals, Samuel Maquin, clarinet


Category 1: €17.00

Online booking



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