
Musiques juives et hébraïques Sacrées et Profanes au Moyen-Age, XIXe et XXe Siècles

The Quatuor vocal Hébraïca (Mikaël Weill, Damien Schubert, Jean Moissonnier and Hector Sabo) performs 24 pieces, including : Yerushalayim shel zahav, Hava naguila, Kol nidrei, Avinu malkeinu, Scalerica de oro, Avraham avinu …

Yedid Nefesh – Amant de mon âme

Romances, coplas, kantigas, piyyutim, a poetic CD by Yaïr Harel, Meirav Ben David-Harel, Michèle Claude and Nima Ben David …

Alberto Hemsi – Coplas sefardies

The Coplas Serfardies are a collection of Judeo-Spanish songs for voice and piano, written by Alberto Hemsi and based on 230 poems and melodies collected in the Sephardi communities of the ancient Ottoman Empire between 1923 and 1937 …