
Judeo-Spanish acoustic trio : voice, oud, percussions

The music of the Jews of Spain is a vast and ancient repertoire, impregnated with melodies mainly Turkish, Greek and Moroccan and sung in Judeo-Spanish language. Songs of love and marriage, lullabies and historical songs are the main themes of secular Sephardic music.

Hayea is an acoustic trio : voice, oud, percussions.

It is a repertoire of songs drawn from ancient recordings: little-known songs, music that is both sweet and festive, sometimes to listen with an attentive ear, sometimes to invite to dance. With ancient instruments and typical Mediterranean music, Hayea revives the Sephardic repertoire with a contemporary freedom, mixing styles and musical languages, oriental modes and jazz modes, traditional music and instant composition.

Claire Alloul : voice, bendir
Mauro Basilio : oud
Christophe Souron : percussions

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