Judeo-Andalusian music concert

Organised by the Espace Culturel et Universitaire Juif d'Europe

Great concert dedicated to the late Elie Botbol, founder of the Chevatim

The promotion of the Judeo-Andalusian musical heritage is one of the great traditions of the ECUJE. With this concert, it is an original program proposed with the star Meni Cohen, and two young singers, Moshé Barchechat et Raphaël Skoury.

Program :

  • Meni Cohen,
  • Moshé Barchechat,
  • Raphaël Skoury
  • the Chevatim
  • and Michel Suissa’s orchestra

Limited number of seats – reservation must be made (seats have numbers)

Tickets sold 12*, 25, 50 and 100 €
* Reduced fee : Under 26 years old, Unemployed, Handicaped.

Reservations : 01 53 20 52 52

Buy tickets online
Learn more about Elie Botbol (1954 – 2018) and listen to a selection of his songs performed by the Chevatim


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