Music of the Hebrews

The Canticle of the Red Sea

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI - TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 2017, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H05. Radio program for Shabbat Bechalah’ during which we sing the Canticle of the red sea. …

Le principe de la modulation dans le fragment babylonien d’Ur : U.7/80 (XVIIIème siècle av. J.C.) (à partir d’un instrument de l’époque non identifié : le « gis za mi »)

This study about the modulation in Babylonian in the 18th century B.C. was written by the musicologist Jean-Claude Sillamy (1932-2016), a specialist of Antique music (Sumer, Babylon, Mesopotamia…) …

Music of the Ancient Near East

Written in 1954, this book by the musicologist Claire C. J. Polin (1926-1995) features a panorama of the music of ancient civilizations from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, Phoenicia, Syria and Abyssinia …

Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine

This book of reference written by the musicologist Joachim Braun (1929-2013) deals with music in ancient Israel since the Bronze Age (3200 years B.C.) until the end of the Roman period (4th century A.D.) …

Musical instruments in biblical times

March 24, 2014, at 6 pm, Hervé Roten's lecture on "Musical instruments in biblical times" at the Institut Universitaire Européen Rachi (Troyes, France) …

Music in ancient Israel

Well documented, this book by Alfred Sendrey presents the music at the Biblical time and in the beginning of the Talmudic period …