Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine

Archeological, Written, and Comparative Sources

by Joachim Braun
Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., Cambridge, U.K., 2002, 404 p.

This book of reference about music in ancient Israel since the Bronze Age (3200 years B.C.) until the end of the Roman period (4th century A.D.) is richly documented and includes many illustrations.

Among the subjects over-viewed, we find : the music instruments of the Bible, the dancing, the women musicians,the influence of Greek and Roman civilizations…

Joachim Braun (1929-2013) was a musicologist from Latvia. In 1972, he emigrated in Israel and gave classes of music and musicology in the Bar-Ilan university. His writings dealt with sociology and hermeneutics, archaeology and iconography of music, Baltic  and Jewish music and music in ancient Israel/Palestine.

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