Laurence Haziza's Programs

Balagan Box : the festival Jazz N Klezmer, with Estelle Goldfarb and Cellie

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on Radio Shalom on NOVEMBER 3, 2007. Laurence Haziza dedicates this program to the festival Jazz N Klezmer, where will appear the violonist Estelle Goldfarb with DJ Click, or the singer Cellie …

Balagan Box : the album Shabbat Night Fever

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on Radio Shalom on JULY 5, 2008. Laurence Haziza presents the album the album Shabbat Night Fever, published in Germany in 2008, containing about twenty pieces by Israeli artists played on Saturday night, after Shabbat. …

Balagan Box : Idan Raichel Project and the French band La Caravane Passe

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on Radio Shalom on JANUARY 19, 2008. This week, we will hear an interview of the Israeli singer and musician Idan Raichel as well as a presentation of the documentary about the French band 'La Caravane Passe' directed by Elsa Dahmani... …

Balagan Box : the band Kabbalah

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on Radio Shalom on FEBRUARY 23, 2008. Laurence Haziza invites the klezmer band from Marseilles, Kabbalah. …

Balagan Box : Ibrahim Maalouf

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on Radio Shalom on JANUARY 26, 2008. Laurence Haziza invites the trumpet player of jazz Ibrahim Maalouf, who blends jazz with Eastern music... …

Balagan Box : a historical overview of klezmer music

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on Radio Shalom on MAY 17, 2008. Laurence Haziza invites the musician Marthe Desrosières, who will present us a historical overview of klezmer music. …

Balagan Box : The Socalled Seder

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on Radio Shalom on April 8, 2006. Laurence Haziza presents with Bruno Nahon the album The Socalled Seder by DJ Socalled. …

Balagan Box : Release of the album JUMU and 6th edition of the festival Jazz N Klezmer

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on RADIO SHALOM on OCTOBER 13, 2007. The guests of this broadcast Claude Szwimer and Albert Kadouche will talk about the album Nu JUwish MUsic vol.1 and about the 6th edition of the festival Jazz N Klezmer... …

Balagan Box : David Krakauer

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on RADIO SHALOM on SEPTEMBER 29, 2007, dedicated to David Krakauer, his career, to the revival of klezmer music and to his musical events …

Balagan Box : Nu JUwish MUsic Vol.1

Hosted by Laurence Haziza, broadcasted on RADIO SHALOM on September 8, 2007, dedicated to the release of the first album from the JUMU music label, Nu JUwish MUsic Vol.1.... …

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