Balagan Box : Release of the album JUMU and 6th edition of the festival Jazz N Klezmer

A radio broadcast hosted by Laurence Haziza


Laurence Haziza invites Claude Szwimer and Albert Kadouche. Claude Szwimer will talk about the release of the album Nu JUwish Music vol.1 dedicated to the revival of klezmer music and Jewish music in general. Albert Kadouche will talk about the 6th edition of the festival Jazz N Klezmer that is to come. We will hear several tunes such as a live from the Anakronic Klezmer Orkestra, as well as Ushti Baba performed by the klezmer rock band Golem.

Laurence Haziza is a journalist, press agent and artistic director of the festival photo-4.jpgJazz’n’klezmer. Every saturday evenings from 2006 to 2013, she hosted on radio Shalom the show Balagan Box, called later Balagan Music.

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