Instruments de musique de la Bible

Encounters of East and West in Music – Selected Writings

This book by the Israeli musicologist Hanoch Avenary studies several fundamental subjects, such as the music instruments of the Bible, the concept of modality in Jewish music, the parallels between synagogue and church music, and Jewish folklore …

Le principe de la modulation dans le fragment babylonien d’Ur : U.7/80 (XVIIIème siècle av. J.C.) (à partir d’un instrument de l’époque non identifié : le « gis za mi »)

This study about the modulation in Babylonian in the 18th century B.C. was written by the musicologist Jean-Claude Sillamy (1932-2016), a specialist of Antique music (Sumer, Babylon, Mesopotamia…) …

Musical Instruments of the Bible

In this book, Jeremy Montagu uses linguistics resources, organology and ethnomusicology to classify the musical instruments in each book of the Bible and the New Testament …

Music of the Ancient Near East

Written in 1954, this book by the musicologist Claire C. J. Polin (1926-1995) features a panorama of the music of ancient civilizations from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, Phoenicia, Syria and Abyssinia …

Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine

This book of reference written by the musicologist Joachim Braun (1929-2013) deals with music in ancient Israel since the Bronze Age (3200 years B.C.) until the end of the Roman period (4th century A.D.) …

Musical instruments in biblical times

March 24, 2014, at 6 pm, Hervé Roten's lecture on "Musical instruments in biblical times" at the Institut Universitaire Européen Rachi (Troyes, France) …

Music in ancient Israel

Well documented, this book by Alfred Sendrey presents the music at the Biblical time and in the beginning of the Talmudic period …