Journées Européennes de la Culture et du Patrimoine Juifs en France (J.E.C.P.J.-France)

The organization is a member of the European Association for the Association Européenne pour la Préservation et la Valorisation du Patrimoine et de la culture juifs (Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Heritage and Culture), representing France.

It has set up a College of French Mayors, whose President is statutorily Vice-President of J.E.C.P.J.-France.

It coordinates the Journées Européennes de la Culture juive en France (European Day(s) of Jewish Culture in France) and is responsible for creating and managing the French part of the Itinéraire Culturel du Patrimoine Juif (Cultural Route of Jewish Heritage), created under the aegis of the Itinéraires Culturels du Conseil de l’Europe (Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe).

Contact details :
JECPJ France
Association loi de 1901
c/o CBL – 10 rue Saint Claude – 75003 Paris
Tel : 01 42 71 68 19

Visit the website


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