La source de vie: Sing to the Lord, a new song

At the initiative of the Chief Rabbi of France, René-Samuel Sirat, with the choir of the Great Synagogue of Paris, under the direction of Maurice Benhamou.


A french television program by Josy Eisenberg with the help of the Central Consistory and the Fondation du Judaïsme Français, presenting an excerpt from a liturgical concert filmed at the Buffault synagogue (Paris), 1985.


This program allows us to hear Ashkenazi and Sephardic prayers, tunes borrowed from synagogues in Germany, Alsace, France and the Jewish-Portuguese communities.


00 :01 Barukh haba beshem Hashem – Choir of the Great Synagogue of Paris
01 :00 Extract from the speech of the Rabbi of the Buffault Synagogue, Jacky Amar
01 :48 Retse – Yaacov Toledano (Eastern Ashkenazic Rite)
03 :48 Yimlokh – Malkiel Benamara (Judeo-Portuguese Rite)
04 :40 Avinu Malkenu – Adolphe Attia (Western Ashkenazic Rite)
07 :13 Nora Elohim – Malkiel Benamara (Judeo-Portuguese Rite)

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