Symposium / concert : Isaac Strauss, musician and collector under the Second Empire

Symposium organised at the MAHJ, under the direction, of Laure Schnapper, EHESS, and Jean-Claude Yon, university of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, EPHE.

Radio program and video about Isaac Strauss at the bottom of the page

With the participation of Dominique Jarrassé, university of Bordeaux III ; Cédric Kleinklaus, musician ; Corinne Legoy, university of Orléans ; Xavier Mauduit, historian and journalist on Arte ; Laure Schnapper et Jean-Claude Yon

Isaac Strauss (1806-1888), great grandfather of Claude Lévi-Strauss, constituted in the XIXth century an important collection of works and artcrafts, including judaica are at the origins of the MAHJ collections. He was able to fulfill his passion thanks to an exceptional musical carrier.
Close to the Empress Eugénie, the « Strauss of Paris », first violonist, was known as a conductor, composer and concert entrepreneur, in particular in Vichy and at the Paris opera, until the end of the Second Empire.
His carrier as a conductor and the music he composed for balls had until now never been studied.

Symposium followed by a concert at 17h30
By the Orchestre Eugénie,salon orchestra of Parisian tradition
Musical direction by Marc-Antoine Pingeon
Piano, violin, cello, oboe, horn, doublebass, percussions

This event will end with a concert which will allow to heatr pieces (valses, marchs, quadrilles, polkas, romances) from the immense catalogue of Isaac Strauss, and in particular the imperial March, which opened each official bal at the Tuileries as well as other compositions from his contemporary and heirs.

In echo with the meeting « From the Isaac Strauss collection at the mahJ », thursday 11th October 2018 at 19h30.


> 10h30
Les fastes du Second Empire
Jean-Claude Yon, université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, EPHE
> 11h
La carrière d’Isaac Strauss. Éléments de biographie
Laure Schnapper, EHESS
> 11h30
Les collections d’Isaac Strauss
Dominique Jarrassé, université de Bordeaux III
> 12h
Débat avec le public

Pause déjeuner

> 14h
Le service de la musique de la chapelle et de la chambre dans la Maison de l’Empereur
Xavier Mauduit, historien et chroniqueur Arte
> 14h30
« Musard est mort : vive Strauss ! », les bals de l’Opéra, du Napoléon de la contre-danse au Tamerlan de la valse
Corinne Legoy, université d’Orléans
> 15h
Strauss entrepreneur de concerts
Laure Schnapper, EHESS, et Cédric Kleinklaus, musicien
> 15h30
Strauss compositeur
Laure Schnapper et Cédric Kleinklaus
> 16h
Débat avec le public

Supported by the’EHESS, the EPHE, the laboratoire SAPRAT, the university of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and the Institut européen des musiques juives.

Free with reservation according to the number of tickets available


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