Yiddishe Fantazye

Weisberger/Branthomme/Triestan Trio



Yiddishe Fantazie takes us deep into the universe of Eastern European Jewish music, long before the accordion and the clarinet became inseparable from klezmer music.
At that time, the main instruments were the violin, the hammered dulcimer (tsimbl) and the bass (cello or double bass). During weddings, the musicians made the audience dance, but also cry. “God” was a common word that was pronounced “Gott”, and that went along with music and vodka in good spirits.

From old klezmer recordings and poetic texts in Yiddish, the Weisberger/Branthomme/Triestan Trio gives us an authentic and delicious music. To be listened without moderation.

Buy the CD online on EIJM’s shop

Information (+33) 1 45 82 20 52 ; contact@iemj.org

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