Fried, Avraham (1959)

Avraham Shabtaï HaCohen Friedman, also known as Avraham Fried (born March 22, 1959, in New York) is an American Jewish singer with an international recognition in the chasidic circle. He belongs to the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

Fried has 6 children and lives in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. His wife comes from the Krasnjansky family. His brother is the chasidic lecturer Rabbi Manis Friedman. His nephews are the singers Benny, Shmuel and Bentzi-Marcus Friedman.


His repertoire include modern compositions as well as those from Yossi Green, and nigunim from the traditional Chabad repertoire.
To his traditional style is added many elements of modern music like pop, rock and jazz, that he combines to the Jewish poems and melodies.

Fried was encouraged in his musical carrier by the Rabbi of Loubavitch Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Fried released his first album “No Jew Will Be Left Behind” in 1981, with the song “Kel Hahodaos”, written by Kol Salonica.
In summer of 2009, he went on tour in Israel where he made known the Israeli singer and composer Hanan Yovel.

His first DVD was released in 2009.

Sources : Wikipedia

Listen to the playlist : Abraham Fried, chasidic music


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