Giacomo Meyerbeer – Hallelujah – The Choral Works

Rheinische Kantorei - Hermann Max

This album features iconic works of sacred music by Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864) and in particular his “Hallelujah”, small cantata for 4 men, organ and choir Ad libitum, written around 1815.
This cantata was written for the religious services of the Jewish Reformed Temple of Berlin. Giacomo Meyerbeer’s father, Juda Herz Beer (1769-1825) was particularly involved in the movement to emancipate and integrate Prussian Jews into Prussian society.
We have here a unique recording of a workthat has never been published. A manuscript is kept in the Music section of the Library of Congress in USA. …

Musical works of this CD:
“Hallelujah”, small cantata for 4 men, organ and choir Ad libitum
“Psalm 91”, Motet for soloists and 8 voice choir
“Cantique”, for bass solo, 6 voice mixed choir and organ

“Pater Noster”, for a cappella 4 voice choir

“Sieben Geistliche Gesänge”, for 4 voice solo and for and 4 voice a cappella mixed choir
“Am Mozart”, for 4 voice a cappella choir

Purchase the CD
Read the biography of Giacomo Meyerbeer


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