Le système cantilatoire de la Bible et son expression musicale dans les traditions juives des communautés méditerranéennes

Mag Tayar

PhD under the direction of Professor Haïm Zafrani
Year 1986 – 1987

After her wedding with the cantor Joseph Tayar, and decades serving Hebraic monody, Mag Tayar, organist in the Grande Synagogue of Marseille and doctor in musicology, dedicated this work to cantillation system of the Bible in the Jewish traditions of Mediterranean cultures.

For that, she recorded and transcribes dozens of cantors from Meknes, Tangier, Casablanca, Bordeaux, Marseille, Constantine, Algiers, Oujda, Tetuan, Mogador, Mascara, Beni Ounif, Tunis and Cairo.

His musical analysis, quite technical, refers to acoustics.


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