

On Saturday mornings in winter, before sunrise, Jews from the Maghreb and the Middle East gather at the synagogue to sing baqqachot, a set of liturgical, sometimes mystical poems …

Discovering baqqachot

This playlist features recordings of Baqqachot songs from the Yerushalmi and Moroccan traditions …

Shirat ha-Baqqashot according to the Moroccan rite

Ariel Danan, a skilled connoisseur of baqqashot, traces the history of this liturgical poetry and provides musical examples in the Moroccan tradition …

Synagogal music in Paris at the time of the first consistorial temple (1822-1874)

In his thesis, now available in digital version, Gérard Ganvert gives us an indepth study of synagogal music in Paris from 1822 to 1874 …

Hebrew melodies for cello and piano, 2nd volume

This 2nd CD of Hebrew Melodies, mainly dedicated to the composers of the St. Petersburg Jewish school such as Joel Engel, Alexander Krein, Lazare Saminsky, Joachim Stutschewsky, Jacob Weinberg or Leo Zeitlin, also introduces us to lesser known works by Ernest Bloch, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Vladimir Dyck …

Shabbat songs in the Ethiopian rite

A selection of Ethiopian Shabbat songs, performed by a soloist priest and a choral of priests, mainly in ge’ez language - a holy idiom, known only by insiders… …

The Chasidic Shabbat songs

A selection of Shabbat songs from various Chasidic dynasties (Gur, Loubavitch, Bratslav…) and more contemporary interpretations by Shlomo Carlebach, Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried or Yaakov Shwekey… …

The Judeo-Portuguese rites in France : Bordeaux, Bayonne, Paris

Engaged in a PhD research work, Hervé Roten studied during seven years the music of the Judeo-Portuguese communities from all sides. He collected precious information, and his thesis that was defended in 1997 gives us the core of it. This work was rewarded by the Zadoc-Kahn Association Award in 1998. …

Shabbat songs in the Comtadine and Portuguese rites

A selection of Shabbat songs from communities of Portuguese rites (Amsterdam, London, Paris, Bordeaux, Bayonne, New York, Curaçao…) and from the Comtat Venaissin, performed by Abraham Lopes Cardoso, Shimon Haliwa, Eliezer Abinun, Adolphe Attia, Malkiel Benamara, Gilbert Léon and many others... …

Shabbat songs in the Eastern Ashkenazi rite

A selection of Shabbat songs from Eastern Europe including historical recordings by Yossele Rosenblatt, Gershon Sirota, Leibele Waldmann, Pierre Pinchick, Zawel Kwartin, Moshe Koussevitzky, Richard Tucker or Abraham Adler... …