Romance in E major for cello and piano

Release of a new musical score by Fernand Halphen at the EIJM Editions



Composed in 1898 by Fernand Halphen, the musical score Romance published at the EIJM’s Editions was reviewed by Jean-Marie Cottet and Jean-Louis Petit.

Furthermore, this musical score was programmed for the piano and accompaniment contest that took place on the 11th and 12th of March 2017, “Concours International d’Accompagnement au Piano” of Paris-Ville d’Avray, organised by the Association des Concerts de Ville d’Avray, under the artistic direction of Jean Louis Petit.

Order the sheet music Romance on the EIJM’s online shop

Order Fernand Halphen’s sheet music

Order the double CD Fernand Halphen – Mélodies, pièces pour piano et musique de chambre

Order the CD Musique française avant et après la Grande Guerre (French Music Before and After The Great War)

Order the book Fernand Halphen – du Salon au Front

Listen to the radio programm (in french) Fernand Halphen : un compositeur juif dans la Grande Guerre (F. Halphen – a jewish composer during the First World War)

View the April 6, 2014 concert at the Museum of Jewish Art and History (Paris) featuring musical works by Fernand Halphen

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