Becoming a member

The European Institute of Jewish Music unites all who value promoting the Jewish musical heritage of France, under the auspices of ethnomusicologist Hervé Roten. …

Nokh Oyfn Veg

Polyphonic songs for mixed voices, harmonized for choir by and under the direction of Jean Golgevit. …

The Alexandre Tansman Collection

In 2013, the daughters of the composer Alexandre Tansman (1897-1986), Mireille and Marianne Tansman, did us the honour to give to the European Institute of Jewish Music several discs and archive documents from their father, as well as copies of manuscripts, for some of them yet unpublished …

Algazi, Léon (1890-1971)

This article is dedicated to the memory of Jacques Algazi, who passed away on March 1, 2021, 50 years to the day after his father's death, and to Béatrice Algazi, his daughter, who kindly provided many of the elements used to write this tribute …