Singing La Victoire

A radio program of the European Institute of Jewish Music, hosted by Hervé Roten

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI – June 6, 2017, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H05. Radio program in French

The temple of la Victoire was inaugurated on Septembre 9, 1874, after being built for 7 years. Situated on the 44 of la Victoire’s street, in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, this impressive building that can welcome 1800 worshippers became in a few years the symbol of a French Judaism acknowledged and integrated.

As soon as 1870, the rabbinical authority pays a special attention to the music that will be played there. With an imposing choir, two organs and cantors with powerful voices, the music becomes an essential part in the French Jewish cult, in which la Victoire is the banner.

With the publishing of a monumental book dedicated to the synagogue of la Victoire, this radio show recalls the great musical figures that marked the history of this synagogue, and of French Judaism more generally.

Jacques Canet, president of the synagogue, and his chief conductor Jean-Marc Thoron, will bring precisions and details about the musical practice in use in la Victoire. In particular will be told the names of the main cantors, chief conductors, music directors and composers. We will hear the moving voices of Shalom Berlinski, Adolphe Attia, Emile Kaçman, Aron Hayoun, and works from Jacques Fromental Halévy, Samuel David, Jules Franck and Léon Algazi.

A captivating musical program for everyone.

Look at the website of the synagogue de la Victoire
Look at the book dedicated to the 150th birthday of the synagogue de la Victoire
Listen to the playlist with the greatest cantors of this synagogue

herve_photo_retouche_fond_uni_bleu_500px.jpgOfficer of the Ordre of Arts and letters, PhD in musicology at Paris University Sorbonne, prize-winning graduate from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, Hervé Roten is the director of the European Institute of Jewish Music since its creation in 2006.
Ethnomusicologist, he quickly developed an interest in the safeguard and digitization of archives, subjects he taught for several years in Reims and Marne-La-Vallée universities.
Author of many articles, books and recordings related to Jewish music, producer of radio programs, Hervé Roten is recognized today as one of the best specialists of Jewish music in the world.

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