Yom Kippur, also called « Day of Atonement » is one of the High Holy Days of the Jewish calendar.
Yom Kippur starts when night falls, with the symbolic prayer of Kol Nidre, where the worshippers beg humbly God to cancel all the wishes, oaths, engagements and promises taken from last Kippur until this one, and that were not kept.
The traditional melody of that prayer has always been fascinating, in the Ashkenazi world where this prayer is sung with the same melody in all comunities (which is extremely rare), and also for many Jewish and non-Jewish composers who found there a great source of inspiration.
During the five services of Kippur (Kol Nidre, Chaharit, Minha, Neyla and Arvit), the worshippers fast and pray in the synagogue, until ths sound of the Shofar is heard, which marks the end of the service and of this period of the « Ten Days of Repentance » (Yamim Noraim) between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, where the fate of each person is sealed in front of God.
- Listen to the Playlist Yom Kippur, 1st part
- Listen to the radio show : the service of Mussaf in Yom Kippur, hosted by Hervé Roten
- Listen to the radio show: The prayer of Kol Nidre, hosted by Hervé Roten
- Purchase the sheet music of the Kol Nidre by Serge Kaufmann
- Order the CD: 8 visions of Kol Nidre
- Order the CD: Kol Nidre – New Visions