Marcel Goldmann, composer

This CD features a retrospective of the works by the French-Israeli composer Marcel Goldmann, with pieces written between 1967 and 1993 for various instrumental …

Maayan – De l’Andalousie à l’Orient… Le chant des femmes sépharades

The singer Naïma Chemoul explores her origins, those from Sephardi women. Accompanied by Samir Hammouch on the qanun, and Bonaventure Akoto on the percussions, she sings their words, their language, their daily duties …

Entre deux rives – Chants séfarades et autres chants de la Méditerranée

Released in October 2005, this CD by Sandra Bessis (vocals, daff), Anello Capuano (ud, saz, ney, mandoline, daff) and Rachid Brahim-Djelloul (violin), blends Sefardi songs and other Mediterranean songs …

Poussières d’exil

This CD, initiated by the soprano Evelyne Dubosq, aims to restituate the Sefardi Jewish and Minor Asian Greek music heritage …

Nokh oyfn veg

Polyphonic songs for mixed voices, harmonized for choir by and under the direction of Jean Golgevit. …

Yiddish blues (2) – Talila

On subtle arrangements by Teddy Lasry, Talila sings beautiful songs in Yiddish …

Plus bleu que bleu

16 songs inspired by ladino, Yiddish, Israeli, Biblical and classical music, performed by Sylvie Sivann, an eclectic artist equally at ease in opera, French songs and traditional music …

Musiques juives et hébraïques Sacrées et Profanes au Moyen-Age, XIXe et XXe Siècles

The Quatuor vocal Hébraïca (Mikaël Weill, Damien Schubert, Jean Moissonnier and Hector Sabo) performs 24 pieces, including : Yerushalayim shel zahav, Hava naguila, Kol nidrei, Avinu malkeinu, Scalerica de oro, Avraham avinu …

Klezmer fun Brunen Aroys !

Glik literaly means “happyness, good fortune”, in Yiddish. It is under this name (or the less known one, the Dovid’s Klezmer Orkester) that the five musicians of this band share, with the violin, the clarinet, the doublebass, the trombone, the buzuki and the tsimbl, « klezmer » music …

YOM – New King of Klezmer Clarinet

Young virtuoso of the klezmer clarinet, Yom explores the lands of traditional music, contemporary jazz and electronic music. This CD features 14 tracks, among which a majority coming from the Jewish clarinet player from Galicia Naftule Brandwein (1889-1963) …

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Darius Milhaud and his works inspired by Jewish tradition

Born into an old Jewish family from the Comtat Venaissin, Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) is the author of a prolific output…

The Darius Milhaud triptych

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