The Alberto Hemsi Collection

One of the biggest collection of Judeo-Spanish music!

In July 2004, Mme Myriam Capelluto Hemsi, widow of the collector and composer Alberto Hemsi (1898 – 1975), donated her husband’s archives to the EIJM. Alberto Hemsi was one of the first composers to collect music from the Sephardi Jews of the former Ottomane empire, and to use it in many of his works.

The records of this exceptional patrimonial collection have been done by Hervé Roten and Jessica Roda between 2004 and 2005.

This collection include:
– 226 manuscripted and printed sheet music, many of them unreleased
– 42 magnetic tapes recorded with the composer
– 4 audio cassettes
– 4 books
– 7 various archives

You can now search these archives in our catalogue (browse the Hemsi’s collection) or by taking an appointment with the European Institute of Jewish Music. (

Learn more about Alberto Hemsi
Learn more on the CD Alberto Hemsi, Coplas sefardies, coll. PMJF, vol. 4
Purchase the CD Alberto Hemsi Coplas sefardie, coll PMJF, vol. 4.



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