Raphael Elfassy collection

Choir director for decades in several synagogues in the Paris area (Neuilly, Montevideo, Saint-Lazare, Chasseloup), Raphael Elfassy (1939-2019) founded the Association artistique Guilgal de danses israéliennes et de chorale juive in 1971 and the Ensemble de Musique Hébraïque de Paris in 1990. A pedagogue and hard worker, he recorded eight albums of Jewish music and Israeli folklore and gave dozens of concerts with renowned performers such as Maurice Abourmad, Adolphe Attia, Malkiel Benamara, Benjamin Duvshani, Daniel Geismann, Michel Heymann, Claude Hoenel, Mevorah Zerbib…

In 2022, Christine Dangremont, his widow, and Josiane Sberro donated a collection of some 30 scores and audio recordings to the Institut Européen des Musiques Juives. This collection was completed in February 2024 with the addition of a dozen photos, 12 videos and several concert posters and press articles, now digitized and accessible online. This collection was completed in February 2024 with the addition of a dozen photos, 12 videos and several concert posters and press articles, now digitized and accessible online.

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