Jewish Museum of Belgium

The archives cover the period of the 19th century until now. It is mainly private fonds (a few hundreds, very diverse, like the fonds of the families Errera, Kahlenberg, Levi, Lounsky Katz or the one of the actress Suzy Falk), non-profit Jewish organisations (such as the Arbeter Ring, la Solidarité Juive, l’Office palestinien or the scouts organisations) and documents related to the museum’s life. The « Jews’ Register », given as a deposit in the museum by the Jewish Social Service, deserves a special attention : its 45.000 files have been digitalized by the Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de Malines and a database allows an easy search through the 56.000 registered inhabitants.

The mission of the archives included in the museum’s collections aims to gather, save, study, expose and enhance a big archival documentation, which reflects the diversity of the Jewish life and traditions, mainly in Belgium and Europe.

This heritage is an extraordinary field for investigation, open for the public. Everyday they welcome historians, genealogists, and anyone who wishes to do some research.

Rue des Minimes 21, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique ; 02 512 19 63 ;

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