Training session to the Ladino repertoire

The Judeo-Spanish association Aki Estamos organizes from Monday, May 14 to Friday, May 18, 2018 a training course in the Ladino repertoire (kantigas, coplas, romances) led by the Israeli ethnomusicologist Susana Weich-Shahak assisted by the singer Kobi Zarco.

Born in Argentina, teacher at the Jewish Music Center of Jerusalem and the University of Haifa, Susana Weich-Shahak has devoted over 40 years of her life to collecting traditional songs from the Judeo-Spanish communities in the East and Morocco. She is the author of many reference books on the subject. She also co-founded the Arboleras group in Madrid in the 1980s.

This workshop is intended for musicians, singers, students and researchers in ethnomusicology who wish to discover or deepen their knowledge of the Ladino repertoire. It is open for free with reservation.

The workshop will end on Saturday evening, May 19th at 7:30 pm with a recital of Kobi Zarco accompanied by participants of the workshop, at the Péniche Anako, a concert in the form of an oriental jam session. Participation to the concert to be specified when booking.

If you’re interested, please contact François Azar

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