Yerushe in concert – International Festival of Jewish Music of Lyon

As part of the 10th International Festival of Jewish Music of Lyon from the 10th to the 24th November 2018

Yerushe (heritage) treasures of Yiddish archives

This project, founded by Eléonore Biezunski in 2014, draws its repertoire in the collections of Yiddish folklore (Ruth Rubin, Moshe Beregovski, Zusman Kisselgof), and allows to hear rare or forgotten songs and tunes, each one with telling its story, the lived experiences, the struggles, the faiths…

The song tells it : « This job, i got it in heritage : one shall not steal, but… take, that we can!” Take, but not steal… This strangely reminds what try to do traditional musicians! Take in a common heritage and put his own soul? Isn’t it the core of a living tradition, to always be reappropriated, reinvented, end even midirected?

Eléonore Biezunski : violin, vocals / artistic director, producer

François Puyalto : doublebass

Piotr Odrekhivskyy : accordion

Michel Schick : clarinets, flute, ukulele

Michel Taïeb : banjo, percussions

Normal fee 20 €
Reduced fee 15 €

Online reservation


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