Fernand Halphen – Andante religioso

From a Hebraic tune

Dedicated to the lawyer Pierre Gaston-Mayer (1884-1914), this work for violin or cello and keyboard (organ or piano) by Fernand Halphen was composed in Deauville on August 31, 1913. Its characteristic? The main tune of the melody is based on the prayer of Friday’s evening prayer Veshomerou sung in the Consistorial synagogues that practice the Ashkenazi rite.

The Andante religioso was published after his death by Senart editions in 1919, and in 1933 by the Salabert editions – Mizmor collection.

Learn more about Fernand Halphen

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Listen to a sample from the Andante religioso

Purchase the CD Fernand Halphen published by the EIJM


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