Baroque music

Esther, a Purim oratorio by the composer Lidarti (1730- ap. 1793)

Rediscovered in 1997, the score of the oratorio Ester (1774) by the composer Cristiano Giuseppe Lidarti is to this day the longest and richest work of all Hebrew art music …

Concert Baroque Jewish Music – Venice, Mantua, Amsterdam

On April 14, 2010, nearly 200 people went to the concert “Baroque Jewish Music” in Paris, performed by Les Folastries ensemble, led by David Klein. Organized by the Yuval organisation, …

Lidarti, Cristiano Giuseppe (1730-after 1793)

A composer born in Vienna who spent a large part of his life in Italy, Lidarti was the author of several Hebrew works, including the famous oratorio Ester, the longest and …

Baroque Jewish Music, 1st part

Listen to a selection of Jewish baroque music with works by Benedetto, Rossi, Grossi, Lidarti, Saladin and Caceres …

Four and Twenty Fiddlers, The Violin at the English Court 1540-1690

Four and Twenty Fiddlers gives light for the first time on the history of the origin of the violin in England. An origin marked by the presence of Sephardic Jewish musicians from Venice …

Baroque Jewish Music, 2nd part

Listen to a new selection of Jewish Baroque music with works by Rossi, Grossi, Saladin, Caceres and Lidarti …

Of gold and light, a musical journey through Jewish celebrations

MUSIQUES JUIVES D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI - TUESDAY JANUARY 17, JUDAÏQUES FM (94.8), 21H05. Radio broadcast, in the presence of Jean Christophe Frisch, on the occasion of the release of the CD "Or et de lumière" by the ensemble XVIII-21 Le Baroque Nomade …

Baroque Jewish Music

Unlike various popular beliefs, Jews from Italy, Provence or even Amsterdam had a perfect knowledge concerning Art Music in the Christian world. Young Italian Jews in the 15th century went …

Lectures: Jewish art music in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries (Italy, France, Holland)

This course, illustrated by numerous audio and audiovisual examples, explores the wealth of Jewish musical practices in the Baroque and Classical periods, from 1623 to 1774. …

D’or et de lumière – Or Vezahav – Music for celebrations

With this new CD, the le Baroque nomade, led by par Jean-Christophe Frisch, goes all around the Mediterranean Sea, and takes us on a journey through the Jewish holidays, from Rosh Hashanah to Purim... …