Jacques Grober – Yiddish songs from yesterday and today


Jacques Grober, born in Paris in 1951, is one of the few French authors, composers and performers to have renewed the repertoire of Yiddish song over the last thirty years.

Referring to the tradition of brodersinger and lider-makher (authors and song peddlers), Jacques Grober writes songs about our lives: psychoanalysis, homeless people, Perestroïka, Middle-East… And sometimes with music from today as hip-hop, in order for Yiddish songs to be fully contemporary. Winner of the Korman prize in 2006 for his poetic work, Jacques Grober passed away on March 26th 2006 from a serious illness. The Foundation of French Judaism pays him tribute with the publication of this CD, the 7th volume in the collection Patrimoines musicaux des Juifs de France. It presents a large overview of his songs, accompanied by the best musicians from the French Yiddish stage of the last 20 years.

This work of music homage and reconstruction is combined with a study on Yiddish songs in France, since 1880, in its different genres: theatre, Yiddish cabarets, cafés, choirs, the record industry and live shows since the 1970’s. Between Hassidic inspiration, klezmer music, Yiddish swing and rap, this great CD represents a big breath of fresh air.

Buy the CD online on EIJM’s shop

Information (+33) 6 1 45 82 20 52 ; contact@iemj.org





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