Tape cinq ! – Staïffi et ses Mustafa’s

Albert Darmon, known as Staïffi, has just given to the European Institute for Jewish Music two CDs containing 24 of his most famous songs. …

Comptines du jardin d’Eden

A beautiful book-disc, published in 2005 by Editions Didier Jeunesse, gathering childrens' songs and lullabies in Hebrew, Arabic, Yiddish, and Judeo-Spanish, now available for consultation at the EIJM. …

Les Bubbey Mayse

Released in February 2017, this 1st CD from the quartet of singers and musicians Bubbey Mayse revisits klezmer music and Yiddish song with delicacy and modernity. …

Oyf der tsung

Here is the first album of the Marx Sisters, French quintet, who perform traditional songs of Yiddish folklore. …


This beautiful double album offers a recital of melodies in which France and Jewish cultures mix subtly. Milhaud, Ravel, Honegger, Algazi are some of the composers present in this album, which is now part of the collections of the EIJM …

Canti Liturgici Ebraici

CD of liturgical music performed by the Italian choir Ha-Kol accompanied by an organ. 14 beautiful songs taken from various religious services …

Giorgio e Gino, Canti di memoria e di speranza

Released in 2008, this CD gathers songs of resistance and memory of the Holocaust, performed in Italian by the singer and guitarist Piero Nissim, and is now part of our collections …

D’Edirne à Paris

Concert of Sefardi songs, recorded in April 2014, performed by Stella Gutman, with Jean-Lou Descamps and Olivier Marcaud, on sale on the EIJM's online shop …

Vienna – Paris – Hollywood

Published by the music label La Musica the 22nd of Septembre 2017, Isabelle Georges singing and Jeff Cohen on the piano give us a beautiful album, that travels from classical music to music from the theatres, passing by cabaret …

Songs and Prayers of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipour

Release of a CD that puts together the traditional melodies of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipour sung by Hélène Blajan accompanied by a man’s choral led by Maurice Benhamou …

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Ashkenazi music in France, at concerts or in synagogue

The colloquium will take place over two days, during which some twenty singers, musicians, performers, choirmasters and musicologists will discuss…


Hervé Roten, guest on Radio Shalom with Sandrine Szwarc, in her program Du Côté de chez Szwarc, passionately presents the…

Darius Milhaud and his works inspired by Jewish tradition

Born into an old Jewish family from the Comtat Venaissin, Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) is the author of a prolific output…